About Andrea Pflaumer

Author of Shopping for the Real You, Andrea Pflaumer, is a non-fiction writer in the San Francisco Bay Area and host of the video series, Vital, Vivacious, and Visible after 50. She has written extensively about fashion for local and national publications and is a regular contributor to the Huffington Post, Better After 50, Sixty and Me, She Savvy, and Prime Women. Her free ten-lesson course, A Lazy Person's Guide to the Perfect Wardrobe, is available on Highbrow.com.

Swimwear for Summer 2022

The subject of swimsuits creates anxiety for a lot of women. Time and gravity take their toll and waistlines disappear. So, when shopping for your suit, pay attention to the details. Look at the back of the suit as well as the front. A lot of swimwear will have a very low cut back, or lots of lacing in the back that you will have to deal with. [...]


Saving Money When Shopping for Clothes

Photo by Alexander Mils on Unsplash

If you have a 401k - or even a piggy bank! - you are probably counting your pennies very carefully right about now! So I wanted to share with you a few of my strategies for creating a great wardrobe on a tight budget. [...]

How to “En-light-en” Your Closet

Photo by Sigmund on Unsplash

Packing for a trip, or for a vacation is always a challenge, but it’s a happy one. It lets us fantasize about the beautiful scenery we will encounter, imagine the relaxing, carefree days ahead, the delicious food, the people we might meet, and the wonderful places we will explore. [...]

Where Are You Going? How do You Want to be Seen?

[This is an article I wrote, originally posted in Honey Good in February. I wanted to share it with all of you because it is pertinent now, and always.] That’s the question that Joan Songer, founder of Personal Style Counselors, always asked her clients, as a starting point. It’s a great question. And it’s one we subconsciously ask ourselves every time we get dressed. [...]

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